Wednesday, March 7, 2007

the big break that never happened ...

from Proverbs For The Initiated (c) 1999 Cedar Hill Publications
this is the release and press i had hoped to make my poetry a somewhat major name. well, we all know it didn't happen for a lot of reasons that are basically water under the bridge at this point.


the bones - upon which empires were to be built -
are nearly unable to support life.
i hear them crack in the imperfect vacuum of the night.
something horrible happens to dreams
in the sanitary corridors of hospitals.
doctors inject them full of antibodies.
nurses make perfect corners of the beautiful haze.
& you lay there as if a vapor waiting to be dispersed.

the bones whisper of flight. perhaps you cannot hear,
above the hum of flourescent lights,
above the dribble of magic fluids down twisted plastic tubes.
but i hear!
something horrible happens to dreams
in the sanitary corridors of hospitals.