Saturday, April 14, 2007

where ya been, mister?

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. haven't dropped off the face of the planet, not just yet anyway ...
and haven't forgotten the blog, just been busy with other minor things, such as overtime at work, and most of it on night shift, so haven't gotten around to adding anything to this. This afternoon, i not only prepared this update, but also worked on a couple of other things to add in the near future.

i do read ALL the comments, even if i don't respond to them. If you want me to respond (or correspond) leave your email address - or email me - the addy is in my profile.

Here is another poem from the Humbly, I Offer These Awkward Poems - an unpublished collection. Actually it was to be the last poem in the collection, at least in the last edited version i had worked on.


i do not think Nostradamus
predicted the world would end
quite like this -
Thursday afternoon
with rain
turning to sleet
just before the 4:30 traffic jam
on Belt Line West.

perhaps he knew
beautiful women with intellect
would remain untouched
except by magnificent poets
admired by too few critics.

i doubt
he believed the Devil of the East
was the offspring of Union Officials
& their followers
were to perish carrying coffins
of false promises
spoken without apologies.