Monday, July 30, 2007

a possible explanation of - nothing really.

a possible explanation of my lack of any new poems over the last few years - when a similar, but much shorter, hiatus occurred in 1987.

this morning i updated Leonard's blog with the third (and last) part of his recent manuscript. Paula has some wonderful pictures of her recent trip to Greece. OK, i am envious. There! And Roger is still one wording it with some very interesting stuff on his blog. Links to them all are in the side-bar, if you're so inclined.


When there are no words there are none
The quaking of mountains or the pleasantness of smiles cannot bring them forward
If they are gone they are gone
If they have been wasted they have been wasted
But O they danced as flames in the night from my heart to the wind
And they danced for her because they found joy in it
Now they are tired and desperately seek rest
They may come forth again
But now they are tired and desperately seek rest