Friday, September 28, 2007

a real day off, before overtime strikes again

another poem from 92-95 era.

my only day off .. well, day and a half (after night shift) before hitting another long stretch of overtime at the for-sale and very management silent paper mill. guess starting next week prospective buyers will be circling the facility. The only certainty is things will be certainly different and nothing for-certain if (when) the sale (merger?) happens. No time tables have been announced but for some reason there is a sense of things are starting to happen fast. well, a sense is all at this time.

now on to the poetry ...


i sent my sorrow
rain danced off your window sill
it was easy enough to ignore the annoyance
i sent my loneliness
the baying of old dogs at the moon
blurred into a forgetful aura by the magic of neon surrounding
i sent my anguish
thunder rattled your precious teacup collection
but no damage was reported & it was an easy memory to erase
i sent my rejection
tornadoes on the radar screen
nuns count rosary beads in the chapel & no one knows how to control the sources