todays poem is from sept 92 - just another poem of inner realization.
not much here. survived the massive wind/rain storms that hammered the Pacific Northwest. Actually inside the southern Willamette Valley it was windy and wet, but nothing like on the coast.
playing hookey from work this week. Well, had a vacation on the books i'd forgotten about, and decided not to reschedule it. Just relaxing and doing a little computer fix-work (replaced a dead CD burner, not without some issues - seems resolved now).
Now onto the poetry ....
i dress myself in the rags of uncertainty
walk upon the waters of disenchantment
as if i were jesus gathering disciples
i erect no cathedrals
but my prayers are immaculate
to the dark vapors that gather along the dirty rivers of my life
i carry my dreams
as if a cross to Golgotha
there are no longer chariots of fire ascending the heavens
& my blood cures no diseases
but it stains the earth
as magnificently as any love lost