Tuesday, March 18, 2008

stage two for the rumors

well, one part of the rumor mils was put to rest yesterday. The mill is no longer for sale - upon government approval - we will soon be IP (International Paper) . If this is a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen. Certainly a lot of fodder for the rumors to get going until some things, such as, if we will continue to operate, job selections, pensions , vacations and minor issues such as those get resolved. The buy-out is expected to be finished in the 3rd quarter (June to August). i'll keep you posted.

on another issue, got a really wonderful cold that's simply kicking my butt. Feel like - well, crummy. Of course, we are on heavy weight export orders, just to make certain there isn't a chance of feeling a tiny bit better at work.

and here's a poem to celebrate that crummy cold feeling we all know so well .... it's from 3-93. some formatting issues, so it may look a bit strange in the blog ...


The cough that comes with the morning fog & stays the afternoon
(it is mine)
the ache of bones in disrepair
(i have known them)

i tells you, i am old
pain is my smile
& anger my religion
my prayers to a god who is feeble & blind
bleeding the system for all it is worth
i tells you, i am dying
slow & imperfect
the distress of cells enraged
hurrah! for therapeutics that dont work

come, cough with me, in the darkness of dawn, when venus is bright & the sun begins to slither over black brooding mountains
we can exchange miracles or simply dialog
our shirts still stained with the filth of dreams failed
& our hands bloodied from gallant but futile effort
come, let us be heroes in our last hours
visionaries believing in the unknown
voyagers waiting for passage
it is all subjective, as the river sweats & dawn is a whisper