Thursday, May 31, 2007

more of the wayback machine

OK, Sherman, get the Wayback Machine up and running. Today we go back to 1982-1987 era. Another of them there poems that're unpublish, unsolicited and yep, unrejected at this point.

more overtime on the horizon ... tomorrow's update may be the last for about a week. as for the contract (or lack of) - no news - i think they are talking again in mid-June? And no updates on potential buyers for the containerboard division ... so guess we're still on the auction block. anywho ... those are them there updates as of today. Now, onto the poetry ----


Horses are still being shot
in the infield arenas.
And gamblers still smile in disgust
as million dollar winnings
just missed again
are put down in the name
of humanity.

NASA views the Martian terrain
in agony,
remembering the glory
of moon walkers
and Saturn probes,
counting pennies,
always counting pennies.

i listen for the sound of rain
in these dog-day afternoons.
i listen
and hear
absolutely nothing
in the formation of haze
along the horizon.

If this were to be my last poem
and the void ensuing
extended beyond the silence
of your heart
would there yet be room
for understanding?