Saturday, June 16, 2007

list of important poets reposted

this post is a bit different. it is a poem that was accepted, but remains unpublished. Semi-Dwarf Review was a magnificent little 'zine published by Leonard Cirino (wonderful poet, magnificent editor and genuine friend). His magazine is unfortunately no longer in existence, at least at the present time. i had a number of poems accepted by this magazine, but it quit publishing before many of them were actually printed. His press Pygmy Forest Press remains vital and alive.

in the first days of this blog, i put up a list of poets i felt were important enough (to me at any rate) for anyone who honestly enjoys poetry to discover. here is that list again - the poets are in no particular order, just as i remembered them:

John Berryman
Yannis Ritsos
William Everson (also known as Brother Antoninus)
Fredrico Garcia Lorca
Walt Whitman
Paul Zimmerman
Leonard Cirino -poet and editor of Pygmy Forest Press
Michael McIrvin -particularly his book DOG - published by Pygmy Forest Press
Rob Whitbeck -published by Pygmy Forest Press

and not known as a poet (thanks to unknown person in comments for the correction), but one of the more influential writers (for me) of the 20c - Samuel Beckett

good stuff - worth checking out if you're unfamiliar with any of them.


one eyed master,
you sees more beauty than whole
bastards. i knows you feels
a purer love than my rancid bones,
tastes a richer joy.

i fumbled the relay. custom made
double play - only one out.
winning run scored on my inabilty
to turn & throw. second baseman with
limited visions. i discarded that ball
for a dream of women.
fucked-up that relay too. short stops
begin asking managers for someone worth
a damn.

the ocean spoke in riddles.
you who writes masterpieces about
the lives of agates -
i with holes in my pockets
collects the fog, offers it to
damsels in distress, rather than
diamonds. neither if us getting laid.
riddles make strange bedfellow, sir.